Category Archives: Documents

Image Processing for Picking Task of Random Ordered PET Drinking Bottles

This paper is a part of Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life (JRNAL). You can access this page for detail information about this publication or download the PDF file. Please note all the contents on this page cannot be used for commerical usage!


In this research, six brands of soft drinks are decided to be picked up by a robot with a monocular Red Green Blue (RGB) camera. The drinking bottles need to be located and classified with brands before being picked up. The Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN), a mask generation network improved from Faster R-CNN, is trained with common object in contest datasets to detect and generate the mask on the bottles in the image. The Inception v3 is selected for the brand classification task. Around 200 images are taken or found at first; then, the images are augmented to 1500 images per brands by using random cropping and perspective transform. The result shows that the masked image can be labeled with its brand name with at least 85% accuracy in the experiment.

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The six degrees of freedom manipulator forward kinematics and the geometric solution of inverse kinematics

This article describes forward kinematics of the six degrees of freedom manipulator and its geometric inverse kinematics geometric.
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The robot structure is shown in the figure below:

6 Degree of Freedom Robot Structure
Figure 1. 6 Degree of Freedom Robot Structure

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Robotics Forward Kinematics

This article describes the related information of robot kinematics, including the solution of rotation matrix, vector and mechanical arm pose, and using C# to describe the relevant algorithm.

Rotation Matrix

The rotation matrix in linear algebra is used to make the vector rotate in the Euler space.
In robotics, the rotation matrix is used to solve the posture (orientation) of the robot joint. In three-dimensional space, the eigenvalue of the rotation matrix is 1.

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